“Healthy Washington” - New Covid Approach Announced by Gov. Inslee
The new regional map announced
Changes to the recovery phases and a new metric for moving between phases was announced by Gov. Inslee on January 5th.
A region’s phase will be determined by the Department of Health (DOH) in response to four metric requirements. The final metrics for regions will be calculated on Friday, January 8 and will be effective January 11.
To go forward from Phase 1 to Phase 2, regions must meet all four metrics:
Decreasing trend in two-week rate of COVID-19 cases per 100K population (decrease >10%)
Decreasing trend in two-week rate new COVID-19 hospital admission rates per 100K population (decrease >10%)
ICU occupancy (total — COVID-19 and non-COVID-19) of less than 90%
COVID-19 test positivity rate of <10%
To remain in Phase 2, regions must meet at least 3 metrics:
Decreasing or flat trend in two-week rate of COVID-19 cases per 100K population
Decreasing or flat trend in two-week rate new COVID-19 hospital admission rates per 100K population
ICU occupancy (total — COVID-19 and non-COVID-19) of less than 90%
COVID-19 test positivity rate of <10%.
For more details, please visit the Governor’s website.